Profession: Civil Engineer
Nationality: Romanian and Israeli
E MAIL: arthur@arthureng.com
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
1982 M.Sc. in Civil Engineering
1979 B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Membership in Professional Societies: Professional engineer (License No. 26271).
Special Courses:
2007 Course in Management of Claim and Resolution of Disputes, by FIDIC.
2002 Diploma Course in Arbitration.
1997 Course in Finances for Senior CEOs.
I wish to utilize my vast experience in all fields of Civil Engineering to optimize the success of projects under my responsibility.
2012 - current Israel: Marine & Civil Engineering Manager, Consultant, Expert
2011 - 2012 Zimbabwe & South Africa: Project Manager
2010 - 2011 Abu Dhabi: Design Department Manager
2008 - 2010 East Europe: Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania: Deputy General Manager for a Developer
1992 - 2008 Israel, various duties: Project Manager, Head Civil Engineering Sub Division, CEO Consulting Firm, Deputy General Manager for a Developer
1988 – 1992 Singapore: Chief Structural Engineer
1982 – 1988 South Africa: Structural Engineer
Employment Record:
2011 - Current: Arthur Weiss Engineering Ltd - Israel
CEO - Providing Engineering Consultancy to Developers.
Nominated by the Israeli court as an expert for court disputes and building defects.
Management and Supervision of infrastructure and building projects
2013-2015: EAPC –Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Co. Ltd – Israel
Civil & Marine Engineering Department Manager - Duties include managing the design of new and maintenance projects at 2 Ports and at Crude Oil Storage Plants.
2011-2012: SAIIC – South African Infrastructure Investment Company Pte Ltd, ZIMBABWE
Development and Project Manager "Beitbridge Border Post", BOT Project; budget 90M$. Duties included beside Engineering Management of the Project, periodical presentations to Zimbabwe Ministers and to the Funding Bankers and assisting in Business Development in Malawi..
2010- 2011: ATS - Abu Dhabi
Infrastructure Design Unit Manager - Duties included management of the design of Civil and Electrical Engineering in Oil and Gas Plants.
2008-2010: Svitland Development Ltd, Fishman group, East Europe
Deputy General Manager, Engineering – Duties include Managing Design and Construction of office buildings (such as office building in Kiev Ukraine on an area of 50,000 m2 and Hi – Tec Park, 8 offices buildings, 8,000 – 12,000 m2 each in Minsk Belarus. Accompanied the projects through all their stages, including initiation and economic evaluation, modifications by various committees, liaison with various authorities and utilities, issue of permits, publication of tenders, conducting of negotiations for selection of sub-contractors, monitoring of work progress, follow up of budgets and work timetables, and handling of claims
Head, Civil Engineering Sub-Division - Overall responsibility for projects involving planning, design and construction of infrastructure works such as Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Systems, Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant, Hydraulic structures, Marine Works, Roads, Railways, and site development. In - charge of 54 engineers. Director of TAHAL Subsidiaries - TAHAL-Leitersdorf Ltd. And of Palgey Maim Ltd.
Deputy General Manager Engineering – Overall responsibility for projects involving design and construction of Office Blocks, Commercial Centers and Residential multi-complexes. Accompanied the projects through all their stages, including initiation and economic evaluation, modifications by various committees, liaison with various authorities and utilities, issue of permits, publication of tenders, conducting of negotiations for selection of sub-contractors, monitoring of work progress, follow up of budgets and work timetables, and handling of claims.
CEO of a Structural and Civil Engineering Consulting Firm - Duties include Design and Supervision of Industrial Plants. In- charge of 24 engineers.
1992-1994: Ports and Railways Authority, Israel
Senior Project Manager - Design, Construction and Supervision of Infrastructures of 10 infrastructure contracts, including new bridges, massive earthworks, communications systems and new buildings.
1988-1992: C.D.C. Palan Consulting Engineers, Singapore
Chief Engineer - Structural designer of a marine complex for Singapore Shipyard Engineering (S.S.E.) Pte Ltd., including Dry Wharfs, Jetties and Syncrolift, protected installations and high rise steel structures. Expert in security protected structures and installations. In - charge of a team of 16 design engineers.
1982-1988: Eytan Consulting Engineers, SOUTH AFRICA
Senior Structural Engineer - Structural design of protected structures and installations.
Languages: English – fluent, German – good conversation.
Computing: Competent with most Microsoft Office Programs.
Conducting arbitrations.
Expert Opinion on Engineering Disputes and Building Defects.
General Engineering Consultancies
Knowledge and experience in the Global Worldwide Market, in particular East Europe, Africa and the Far East.
Strict control on Budget and timetable
Zero tolerance for building defects
Good interpersonal relationship
Good negotiation skills